Friday, April 29, 2011

How I could use podcast in my teaching?

I personally enjoyed Absolutely Intercultural podcast. I listened and watched several ones from here, and liked absolutely intercultural 132 episode a lot.
While learning abroad right now, I've thought that language learning is really related with culture of that language. Without knowing the culture, there are lots of chances that I misuse the language. So, I wondered how I could teach my future students language as well as culture. This episode gave me a hint. In addtion, this episode introduced many interesting features like translating animal sound or learning language using games.
I want to let my students hear this episode first and share their thoughts or reflections about this episode. I think many students can get a glimpse of importance of cultural understanding while hearing this episode. After my students realize the necessity of cultural background, then I can give them some assignments as a group to search the cultural differences between Asian countries and English-speaking countries and make the result as a podcast like this episode. Of couse my students' podcast can be about 5~7 minutes and not as long as 20 minutes like this one.
I think I can use this podcast site as a source of developing intercultural knowledge of my students, whenever I find good ones from here.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


While I am searching ePals, I can find lots of great features that I can use in my future classroom.
Among them, I like the Projects and Collaborate the best.
In Projects, I can see lots of lesson plans that can actually apply to the class teaching. In each project, you can see the topic, essential questions, overview, and community. The scope of topics are really broad. It can be culture, literacy, global warming, people, nature, and etc. I enjoyed a lot to see lots of great ideas that can be used in my future classroom. In addition, I can connect with the other classrooms if I want a kind of collaborated project. I think this idea is really great. I've experienced the traditional concept of penpal and it remained a great memory to me. That time we exchanged letters, so I needed to wait for a while until I received the response from my penpal. However, using ePals students can get connected right away with students around the world.
If I give my students the project topic like comparing how different and similar each country's festival especially Thanksgiving, then students can decide how many countries they will compare according to their own decision or interest. And based on their decision, I can help students to be connected with other classes in those countries that my students are interested such as America, Germany, Japan, China, Sudan, and ect. It can be as many classrooms as they want. Then they can share thoughts and ask questions that they want to know. My students can make a list of questions they will ask, and I think using ePals, communicating with real people around the world, my students can get more detailed information or have more visualized concept about this festival. Students can learn about how to celebrate Thanksgiving in each country by reading books, megazines, or searching internet documents, but if they can ask students that actually celebrate this festival every year in that country, then they can get more correct information. Sometimes books or internet documents can not apply the recent changes, but hearing from people in current time can give the most precious information. Or they can even know that in same country there can be some differences like how or what to celebrate according to the region. I think in this case the best way to know this concrete differences is hearing from the people living in that area.
I think that there are so many ways I can use this Projects and Collaborate features in my teaching. Especially for students learning English as a foreign language, they can practice their English by sharing information and communicating with other English speaking or learning students. They can also learn how different culture each country has and how similar concerns they have right now. Using ePals can be a great way to learn languages as well as cultures.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tools that use FLICKR photos

The states I've visited!
Make yours @

I searched Big Huge Labs and especially liked maps among many tools.
I can use Map Maker while I teach L2 learners English.
The lesson plans can be numerous. I can teach geography using map. Students can visualize the location of each state while learning the name of each state. Maybe I can start my lesson by asking several questions to students like: Do you know how many states are in U.S.A., names of all states, correct pronunciation of states, each state's characteristics, etc. I can let students write an essay relating travel: Where is your favorite place in U.S.A.? Where have you traveled in America? Where do you want to visit if you can? etc. Further, we can discuss the cultural differances between our own country and America. Later, we can expand our interest to the whole world and learn more.
To check the understanding of student's geographic knowledge, I can make a puzzle using this map. By trying to match the puzzle, they can have fun and check their knowlege.
According to the level of learners, I can create different kinds of lesson plans using map.

The various types of creative commons licensing.

While using internet, I have enjoyed lots of great pictures taken all around the world. Through this Module, I can know there exist various types of licenses which protect the copyright of those pictures.
Here, I would like to describe the various types of creative commoms licensing, I can get this information from About The Licenses internet site.

First of all, the role of creative commons licese is like this:
This tools' purpose is to grant copyright permissions to creative work done by from individual creators to large companies and instituions in a simple and standardized way.


1. Attribution CC BY
This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

2. Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This license is often compared to “copyleft” free and open source software licenses. All new works based on yours will carry the same license, so any derivatives will also allow commercial use. This is the license used by Wikipedia, and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.

3. Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND
This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.

4. Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

5. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA
This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.

6. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
This license is the most restrictive of our six main licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How I might use microblog for my own professional development or for teaching?

 Twitter! I heard so many times about it, and wondered what exactly it is. I made my own account and followed several twitters for a few days. My first reaction? I am truly living in the technology time. Everyday seems same to me, but it does not apply to the world. It is changing every time, actually every minute or second. Many things are happening around the world and they are delivered to me like real-time. It feels like more faster than media. As a graduate school student in education field, I am wondering how I can use these microblogging in actual classroom or for my personal development. I read two articles that can give me some hint or resources.

The first one I read was: The Ultimate Twitter Guidebook For Teachers.
From this site I can get some insights I would like to apply in my future classroom.
First, I would like to use it as "Communication device" for parents and students. I can share many thoughts that can be arouse in classroom with parents. There is no necessity to have designated time or space to meet to talk about some issues, we can share our thoughts in real time, actually any time. I can let parents know what's going on in classroom. I will give assignments deadlines, information related to class, etc.
Secondly, I would like to use it for classroom activities. If we have a literature class, then I can make students share their thoughts about that book using twitter. They can know what others are getting by reading that book and can ask some questions: the meaning of certain words that used in the book, what character do they like most and why, how the story will develop, etc. If we do not decide which book we will read yet, and then we can use twitter to pick a book.
Third, I want to use twitter to expand students' cultural knowledge. Many people say you can see as much as you know. If my students can know cultural differences between countries through twitter, then they can expand their understanding about cultures. I think twitter is connecting people around the world. I really want to use this great factor. Learning a language is really related with learning a culture.

The second article that I read was: Twitter-Professors.
I want to be a life-long learner. However there are so many things that I cannot cover by myself. When I use twitter, I can get lots of resources from twitters who are professors in that area. How great it is. There is no limitation like geographic distance, time or even tuition. I can learn lots of knowledge from twitters. This is the most favorite thing to me using twitter. And I ask questions related to my teaching. If I do not know where I can get certain resources, then I can ask twitters in that area. I can know what is going on in education world in real time. Many information is shared in twitter. There exists no barrier any more regarding time, distance, culture, or race.

I know there are many ways to use twitter, and I want to use it like above mentioned ways among them. I think if I use twitter well, it can give me lots of advantages.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Kirsten Winkler's blog - Interview with Michael Schutzler

I like hearing what other people are saying. I found a post including interview in Kirsten Winkler's blog, Kwestions for Michael Schutzler - the eBay of Language Learning. In this post, she talked with Michael Schutzler, the CEO of Livemocha. I found personally this site is interesting for language learning. People are learning language through the communication with people from different countries. I want to know his thought. They are saying about Livemocha's new business and how this site is helping people who want to learn language. This interview was interesting and I enjoyed it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Social Networking Group

I think Classroom 2.0 is the place to get lots of help in my knowledge of technology. I am really novice in technologies and this social networking group is created to give help to people like me. I want to be a teacher in my near future and this group is consisted of members who have interest in education. It means when you need some support while doing some job using technology, you can have direct help from this social networking group. This networking site is actively operated by many participants and has lots of ongoing online events. Many members are working in the field of education, so you can get more practical information from here. This is important for me, because I have no experience in teaching more than 6 students. I hope to have lots of help in my future from this social networking group.